Our Services

Oil Services

Provide all recognized onshore and offshore oil services according to the legislations valid in Libya including the works of geological, environmental, hydraulic and seismic survey, studies and consultancies and analysis, treatment and interpretation of data and the rest of onshore and offshore works related to the energy projects such as water plug, deepening works and maritime disinfection; construct waves obstacles for ports, oil establishments and provide the manpower for oil companies and institutions.

Exploration & Drillings

Carry out the works of explorations and drilling and maintenance of oil wells, lease and equipping drilling rigs, supply and install and maintenance of equipment, spare parts and requirements of drilling such as pumps and pipelines and works of cementing and drilling fluids.


Manufacturing and importation of drilling fluids and materials.

Carry out the maintenance of housing and industrial utilities for oil companies and other service sectors.



Provide the services of transport for the oil companies and institution, leasing machineries and operators of machines, engines and vehicles required for the work of oil and gas exploration companies.

Consulting & Training Services

Carry out the works of consultancies and training services for the basic skills required to manager the oil projects and works of vocational training related to the personnel services and provide experiences and manpower for companies and institutions.